In states where cannabis is legal, you may find products containing either delta-8 THC or delta-9 THC in dispensaries. They are both psychoactive substances naturally found in cannabis, but what’s the difference between them?
Both delta-8 and delta-9 are naturally occurring compounds and claim to offer health benefits. Many of these claims offer hope to users suffering from such conditions. But a balanced view of potential risk and reward is necessary.
We examined how these compounds affect the body and the mind and how they might be used legally and safely. Keep reading and discover what delta-8 and delta-9 THC use could mean for your health and well-being.
Overview Of Delta-8 And Delta-9
Delta-8 and delta-9 are both cannabinoids found in the cannabis sativa plant. However, delta-9 is present in much stronger concentrations. The cannabis sativa plant contains delta-8 in only low concentrations.
This is why producers typically convert it from the CBD content present in hemp.
Delta-9 THC is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis. This is the compound responsible for the potent feelings of euphoria described as a “high.” When you use delta-9 THC products, it binds with CB1 receptors in your brain and produces its intoxicating effects.
Delta-8 is an analog of the Delta-9 THC molecule. Although they have a similar chemical structure, there are nonetheless slight differences in their molecular structures, and these differences are enough to result in unique characteristics.
Differences In The Molecular Structure Of Delta-8 Vs Delta-9 THC
THC compounds, like their popular cousin CBD, share similarities with the human body’s endocannabinoid system. They all interact easily with this natural system. But because of their differing molecular structures, how they interact with it differs, and they affect the body in different ways.
When we examine their molecular structure, we see that all the deltas have a chain of carbon atoms with a double bond somewhere along that chain. Delta-8 has a double bond on the eighth carbon chain, whereas Delta-9 has a double bond on the ninth carbon chain.
Therefore, the effects of delta-8 use may differ slightly from delta-9.
CBD, although also a cannabinoid that affects the human body’s endocannabinoid system, does not directly bind to human endocannabinoid receptors as THC does. That’s why it does not produce the psychoactive effects (the ‘high’) that delta-8 THC and especially delta-9 THC do.
It does, however, offer a range of benefits for the body and mind. Find out more in our CBD guide for beginners.
Psychoactive Effects And Potency Of Delta-8 And Delta-9
Whereas significant amounts of delta-9 THC are found in the cannabis sativa plant, delta-8 THC is usually present in much smaller amounts. It is often manufactured in concentrated amounts from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD).
Both delta-8 and delta-9 produce psychoactive effects. But as a milder form of THC than Delta-9 the psychoactive effects of delta-8 are less intense.
This does not mean that it can’t offer relief for mental health conditions. Both delta-8 and delta-9 THC can be of help with stress, anxiety, and similar conditions. But if you’re chasing a ‘high’, delta-9 is what will give you the best experience simply because it is more potent.
Effects Of Delta-8 And Delta-9 THC On The Body
The best way to see the difference between the cannabinoids is in the effects they produce. So, what are the effects of delta-8 and delta-9 THC on the body? Let’s look at the positive effects first, which offer potential benefits.
Potential Benefits
Delta-8 THC may:
- Calm an overactive nervous system
- Prevent sensory overstimulation.
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve appetite
- Relieve pain
- Improved sleep quality
Delta-9 THC may:
- Increase feelings of euphoria
- Heighten the imagination.
- Improve sensory perception
- Promote relaxation
- Decrease anxiety
- Increase appetite
Although they produce similar benefits and both are capable of producing intoxicating effects, delta-9 is more potent in every way. Now, let’s look at the more negative effects that could be seen as drawbacks to using these compounds.
Potential Drawbacks
In cases of excess consumption, delta-8 THC may have the following short-term adverse effects:
- Feelings of disorientation
- Anxiety or panic
- Lethargy
- Impaired coordination
- Dry mouth and eyes
- Increased heart rate
In cases of excess consumption, delta-9 THC may have the following short-term adverse effects:
- Feelings of paranoia
- A heightened state of anxiety
- Confusion
- Feelings of uneasiness, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction (dysphoria)
- Sedation
- Dryness of the mouth
- Low blood pressure (hypotension)
You may not feel the effects of these compounds immediately. It could take a couple of hours after inhalation or several hours after consuming them in edibles. (The average wait time for a THC high from edibles is about an hour, though.)
Use Of Delta-8 And Delta-9 In Healthcare
People make many claims about the various cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. Evidence supports many, but not all, of the claims made for them. However, with continued research, this may change.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently has not approved delta-8 to treat medical conditions. Delta-9 THC has been more extensively researched, and this has led to some interesting developments in healthcare.
The FDA has approved two synthetic delta-9 THC formulations for medical conditions.
- One of these is called dronabinol, which is used for managing the nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. It has also received approval for stimulating appetite in anorexia cases among individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
- Nabilone is the FDA-approved other delta-9 synthetic THC formulation for treating chemo-induced nausea and vomiting.
With continued research into THC as well as other cannabinoids, we may see more approved medications in the future. However, although not FDA-approved, delta-8 and delta-9 formulations do offer other benefits in healthcare.
Delta-9 is sometimes used to treat glaucoma, muscle spasticity, chronic pain, and even insomnia. Delta 8 shows promising potential for treating nausea. It also has analgesic (pain-relieving) and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.
The Risks Of Delta-8 And Delta-9 Use
The cannabis sativa plant naturally produces in excess of one hundred cannabinoids, and each has its own potential side effects.
The side effects of delta-8 and delta-9 listed above are more common with excess, unregulated consumption. It also needs to be said that the side effects can be more severe as the dosage increases or with prolonged use.
The potential adverse effects do not necessarily constitute risks for healthy people who consume limited quantities of these compounds in moderation.
Medical, Behavioral, And Psychiatric Risks
Large amounts of delta-8 THC, especially when smoked, could produce more severe cardiac effects in users with advanced cardiovascular disease. It could also increase the severity of psychosis in users diagnosed with, or at risk for, psychiatric disorders.
There have been reports of nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and even abdominal pain in long-time delta-9 THC users. There is also evidence that delta-9 THC use increases the risk of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and various psychiatric conditions in susceptible individuals.
Risks Due To Production Methods
Using delta-8 THC poses yet another risk, which is more prevalent and is linked to the production process of delta-8.
Companies synthesize, extract, and purify nearly all delta-8 THC products from cannabis-sourced CBD. This is not necessarily a problem in a sterile laboratory environment when experts are following all regulations.
However, unscrupulous delta-8 manufacturers often corner this process, resulting in products that don’t meet regulations. The danger here is that potentially harmful chemicals or contaminants may be present in the final product. And they could be harmful to health when ingested.
How To Decide Which Is Best For You
When deciding which of these cannabinoids is best for you, take note not only of the positive effects but also of the negative effects and potential risks.
In cases of chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite, you may find the pros outweigh the cons. The synthetic formulations of dronabinol and nabilone have been produced under stringent conditions and are deemed safe to use.
However, self-diagnosing and self-medicating any condition without medical advice is a dangerous practice. Although delta-8 and delta-9 have shown some promising results in laboratory tests, their potential risks when used irresponsibly should not be ignored.
Are you looking for a well-researched and proven THC product that will boost certain cognitive functions, promote relaxation, ease anxiety and stress, and improve your appetite? Delta-9 is a good bet.
Delta-9 THC is more potent than delta-8, is highly regulated, and is quite widely available in states where cannabis is legal. Delta-8, on the other hand, is not nearly as widely researched or well-regulated. This opens the door to more possible negative effects.
Drug Testing Considerations For Delta-8 And Delta-9
If you are an aspiring athlete or professional sportsperson, you need to be aware that cannabinoids like THC are banned at the competitive level. In drug tests that detect THC, delta-9 use is sure to be noticed. Delta-8 might not be. However, this depends on the nature of the test.
If the test has been formulated to detect delta-8 THC metabolites, then it will detect delta-8 use. As delta-8 use becomes more widespread, drug tests have been adapted to test for this. Also, the product you use may contain both delta-8 and traces of delta-9 THC.
In such a case, you’ll most certainly test positive for THC use, and this could have negative consequences for your continued participation in competitive sports. These rules are being reviewed and may, in time, reflect changing attitudes toward THC use.
The Legal Status And Regulations Surrounding Delta-8 And Delta-9
The legal status surrounding delta-8 and delta-9 availability is related to the legal status of cannabis in general. In states where cannabis is legal, it is not difficult to obtain delta-8 and delta-9 THC products.
Anywhere else, the closest you will get are the two sole FDA-approved delta-9 THC medications. And even those are synthetically produced.
Delta-9’s legal controversies stem mostly from its potential for potent psychoactive effects. The federal level considers it a Schedule I controlled substance, and the federal government still deems it illegal. However, certain states have legalized it for recreational or medical use.
Delta 8 is technically legal at the federal level when derived from hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized hemp-derived cannabinoids, created this loophole. It is not, however, legal in every state. Unfortunately, this gray area of legality has led to some issues surrounding the quality of delta-8 products.
Take note that laws are subject to change in the future. The controversies surrounding THC use are mostly related to its psychoactive effects. As researchers conduct more and more studies on the effects of these THC compounds and their potential for healthcare applications, they may bring about dramatic changes to these laws.
Prospects For Research And Development In Delta 8 And Delta 9
Researchers have conducted a significant amount of research into the effects of cannabis’s various cannabinoids and their potential for healthcare.
Not only medical conditions but also mental health conditions could benefit from therapies with cannabinoids like CBD and the THC compounds delta-8 and delta-9. However, because of their potential adverse effects, and especially THC’s psychoactive effects, progress in this area has been slow.
In states where cannabis products and THC use are legal, you may find more healthcare practitioners open to exploring delta-8 and delta-9’s benefits. However, they are still bound by the laws and regulations surrounding THC use.
Delta-8 and delta-9 THC are both naturally present cannabinoids in the cannabis sativa plant. Although they are chemically similar, they have slight molecular differences that determine how they interact with the human body. This is what causes their unique effects and side effects.
Although both forms of THC can be beneficial to physical and mental health, the most important factor is quality. To reap the benefits of responsible THC use, stick to the experts. Purchase your THC products from reputable dispensaries like Embarc.
Embarc has a wide range of CBD and THC products to choose from. The THC products you find in our dispensaries are high-quality formulations that have been tested and certified pure and safe to use.