Edible Dosing For Beginners (Plus Dosage Chart By Milligrams)

Edibles are a fun way to enjoy the effects of cannabis. But getting your edibles dosage right can be a little overwhelming for beginners. Taking too little could have little effect and overconsumption could leave you feeling out of it.

Luckily, we’ve got your back. Here is everything you need to know about edible dosing. We cover the types of dosing, the benefits of edibles, common dosing mistakes, potential risks, and a complete guide on getting the perfect dosage for your needs.


Dosage for edibles is measured in mg (milligrams) and can range anywhere from 1 mg to 500 mg. The mg measurement refers to how much THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient part of the cannabis flower) there is in your edible.

Not all people will react the same way when taking the same edible dose, which is where the dosage confusion comes in.

Many factors contribute to how our bodies react to THC, with individual biology and physical size making the biggest dent. For example, a 300lb person won’t have as strong a reaction as someone who weighs 150lb to 10 mg of THC. The heavier person might need a higher dose to feel the same effects.

Factors like liver function and metabolism could also affect this reaction.

There is no perfect dose that suits all beginners. But don’t worry – we’re going to walk you through the process of finding the perfect dosage for you.

Types Of Edible Dosage

These are the expected general ranges for edibles when visiting a dispensary.

  • Microdose (1 – 2.5 mg): The lowest edible dosage. A microdose of THC will lead to only very mild effects.
  • Low Dose (2.5 – 5 mg): The second lowest dose will have a bit more of an effect than a microdose. It’s the most common amount for recreational THC users who are just starting.
  • Moderate Dose (5 – 15 mg): At this level, the psychoactive effects are more strongly felt, with impaired perception. The best middling option for high-tolerance recreational users.
  • High Dose (15 – 30 mg): A high dose is for people who have a very high THC tolerance. It is more often used for pain management than for recreational use.
  • Very High Dose (30 – 100 mg): This option is best for people with years of cannabis experience or people who are dealing with chronic pain.
  • Extremely High Dose (100 – 500 mg): The highest dose is best for experienced users with a very high tolerance. This level of cannabis may also be used by people who are dealing with severe conditions like cancer and intense chronic pain.


Edibles are becoming more and more popular, especially as steps are taken to fully legalize THC and cannabidiol use. But why is it so popular?

Common benefits of edibles include:

  • Stress & Anxiety Relief: Edibles and THC are effective for stress and anxiety management. People who struggle with chronic stress and anxiety can use low-dose THC edibles to manage their stress and increase their quality of life.
  • Pain Management: Cannabis is a great anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, making it helpful for people who are dealing with chronic pain or other conditions like cancer. It’s a more accessible option than pain medication and the natural composition means it doesn’t react as much with other medications.
  • Insomnia Relief: Cannabis is a promising method for treating sleep disorders and sleep-related anxiety.
  • Safer Consumption: Edibles don’t require users to smoke or vape. Instead, you can safely consume the THC and enjoy the effects.


Even though edibles are safe, there are some cases of misuse. All of these are due to the following common mistakes.

Eating Too Much At Once

A common mistake people make is eating too much at once. Edibles have a long latency period, which means the psychoactive ingredients can take a long time to kick in. So, some people will over-consume when they don’t feel the effects immediately.

This can lead to overconsumption, which causes extreme exhaustion, diarrhea, nausea, and dizziness.

Not Being Mindful Of The Effects Of Edibles

Edibles contain psychoactive ingredients. While cannabis isn’t dangerous, it’s always good to be mindful that moderation is a good practice with anything you consume.

The psychoactive ingredients can be stressful and potentially harmful if you overuse THC products. Not just physically, but also because of impaired vision and perception. If you need to drive, operate machinery, or perform any other types of potentially dangerous activities, keep your edibles consumption in mind.

Not Paying Attention To Milligram Dosages

The difference between a microdose and a low dose might not seem like much. But 2 mg can make a big difference, especially for a beginner. Pay attention to the milligram dosage you choose and don’t overestimate your tolerance.


Marijuana is a safe product. However, there are a few potential risks to keep in mind when consuming edibles.

  • Acute Marijuana Intoxication: This is what happens when you consume more cannabis than your body can handle. Common symptoms are high blood pressure, hallucinations, confusion, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting. This isn’t a common problem but is the result of extreme overuse.
  • Vision & Perception Impairment: Higher dose edibles can lead to vision and perception impairment. This isn’t bad if you’re chilling at home – just don’t drive or operate heavy machinery while you’re high.


Follow these guidelines to safely get started with edibles.

Starting Low: The Ideal Dosage For Beginners

Whether you’re starting with pills, milk, gummies, or cake, start small. If this is your first time, start with a microdose.

If you have used THC before or you are a bigger person, you can try a low dose. We don’t recommend going beyond that until you’ve seen how your body reacts.

Adjusting Your Dosage Over Time As Needed

After your first dose, take note of how you feel. If you don’t feel the effect after 2 hours or the effects were very mild, you can up your dosage. We recommend upping your dosage by only 1 or 2 mgs at a time to find the right dosage for you.

For those that do feel the effects with a low dose, continue with the low dose until you no longer feel the effects as acutely. If you want to feel more, you can up your dose slowly over time.

Note Any Adverse Effects Or Unpleasant Side Effects

Take note of any side effects, like sickness or increased anxiety. If these issues are present, lower your edible dosage until they go away. Otherwise, talk to your doctor or supplier about solutions. It might be that you aren’t in the right headspace when consuming your edibles.

Avoid Eating Too Much At Once

Slow and steady wins the race with edibles. Taking your time will keep you feeling good and avoid marijuana intoxication and overconsumption.


Dose Milligram (mg) Effects Best For 
Microdose 1 to 2.5
  • Low to no intoxicating feelings
  • Very mild pain and anxiety relief
Beginners; people who have never consumed edibles before.
Low 2.5 to 5
  • Increased focus
  • Mild pain and anxiety relief
  • Some impaired perception
  • Higher-range doses can cause intoxication
Beginners; people with a few bouts of edible consumption over a long period.
Moderate 5 to 15
  • Moderate pain and inflammation relief
  • Moderate stress, anxiety, and sleep treatment
  • Impaired perception and coordination
Recreational users; beginners with some experience or a very high tolerance to the lower doses.
High 15 to 30
  • Euphoria
  • Strong pain relief
  • Impaired perception and coordination
Experienced edible consumers; high tolerance recreational users; people with absorption problems or very active metabolisms.
Very High 30 to 100
  • Powerful euphoric feelings
  • Strong perception, vision, and coordination impairment
  • Intense pain relief
  • Increased chance of anxiety and increased heart rate for inexperienced users
  • May induce negative side effects
Very experienced edible consumers; people who are struggling with severe medical conditions that require a high dosage


With this beginner guide to edible dosing, you can safely navigate edibles. Use the above chart to choose the best option for your needs and keep our tips in mind when upping your dose or choosing your first batch.

For the best marijuana products and honest and friendly help on your journey, visit one of our Embarc dispensaries today.