Smoking Weed While Sick: Is It A Good Idea?

Cannabis has been around for thousands of years. People worldwide use it as a remedy for many conditions. Today is no different.

Marijuana is a modern, holistic alternative. It has a large and loyal following. Cancer patients, insomniacs, and people with PTSD use it, to name a few.

But is smoking weed while sick a good idea? Is there scientific evidence that it can make you feel better, or should you give your daily toke a skip?

Let’s dive into cannabis, smoking, and sickness and whether it’s a good idea to combine all three.

Can You Smoke Weed With A Cold Or Flu?

There’s no evidence to suggest that smoking weed while you’re sick with a cold or flu is bad for you. However, smoking might aggravate your symptoms. 

Any sort of smoking is bad for your body. It’s worse when you’re sick, especially with a cold or flu. The smoke produced from your joint will travel to your lungs. It can aggravate your respiratory system, which is already compromised by your illness.

To answer the question, yes, you can smoke cannabis when you’re sick. Will it make you feel better? No.

If you’re a regular smoker, you might not feel the effects the smoke has on your compromised respiratory system. For newer, less frequent smokers, the difference will be noticeable.

Cannabis has many health benefits. However,  smoking is not helpful when dealing with a cold or flu. It’s more likely to do the opposite. This negates the health benefits of cannabis and aggravates your respiratory system.

Impact Of Cannabis On The Immune System

As mentioned above, cannabis has many significant health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing inflammation, stress relief, and pain relief. There is no denying that it’s a great natural remedy. 

That being said, it’s not as great for the immune system. A study in rats showed that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, might suppress the immune system.

While this isn’t a big issue when you’re healthy, it can have a negative effect if you’re sick and smoking–especially if you’re a heavy smoker.

This study was done on animals, and there has been no human research to back up the claim. But it’s worth mentioning and keeping in mind if you want to consume cannabis while sick. 

Does Smoking Weed Worsen Cold Symptoms?

As of 2024, no evidence supports the statement that weed makes colds worse. There is also no link between weed and cold symptoms lasting longer. 

The only true issue with smoking weed when sick is the “smoking” part. Smoking, in general, is bad for the respiratory system and can aggravate existing conditions. It might also make you sick for longer. 

There are also small, miscellaneous things that could make your symptoms worse. For example, smoking weed can give you a dry throat. 

Side Effects Of Smoking Weed With A Cold

Here are the common problems associated with smoking weed when you have a cold.

  • Dry Throat: Dry throat is common when smoking weed and is mostly harmless. But when sick, a dry throat can worsen your cough and produce more phlegm.
  • Smoking: Smoking is unhealthy for your lungs, particularly when sick. It aggravates the respiratory system, which is already under attack when sick. This increases coughing and the duration of your sickness. 
  • Lower Immune System: The immune suppressant effects of cannabis are negligible when you’re healthy. When you’re sick, smoking combined with the suppressant effect can make cold and flu symptoms more intense and last longer. 

Medication And Cannabis 

If you’re sick, you’re likely taking OTC (over-the-counter) medication to help with the symptoms. 

Taking OTC medication with cannabis is typically safe. Cannabis is relatively drug-friendly, especially with OTC medications.

However, if you’re taking medication that contains an antihistamine, certain weed strains may cause intense drowsiness. If you’re taking any sort of medication with drowsiness as a side effect, opt for energy-boosting cannabis like sativa instead of indica.

How Can Weed Help?

So far, we’ve focused on the potential downside of smoking cannabis when you’re sick, with the operative word being smoking. When you remove the smoking part of the equation, you’ll see that cannabis offers many great cold and flu benefits.

Let’s look at how cannabis can help when you choose a better consumption medium.

Pain Relief

Pain is a common issue when dealing with colds and flu. Humans have been using cannabis to treat pain for thousands of years. If you’re dealing with pain while sick, cannabis can help. 

Cannabinoid chemicals occur naturally in the human body. When you consume THC, it mimics these cannabinoids and stimulates the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, also known as the reward system. This stimulation makes you feel better and reduces cold and flu pain. 

Muscle Aches

When you’re sick, your body produces more white blood cells, which fight infections and other foreign bodies. While this is good and it means you have a functioning immune system, this immune response creates inflammation, which can cause unpleasant muscle aches. 

Cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, effectively reducing inflammation and the associated cold and flu muscle aches.


Headaches are common cold and flu symptoms caused by congestion. For many, it’s also the most difficult to treat. Luckily, cannabis is quite an effective remedy for headaches.

Poor Sleep

Rest is essential when you’re sick. It’s when you’re asleep that your body can redirect all its energy toward fighting the infection in your body. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get ample rest when sick.

Indica-strain cannabis has a sedating effect on the body. It’s also great for pain and anxiety relief, both common issues among sleep-deprived sick people. Cannabis can help you rest and, in return, heal. 

Boost Energy 

Just as there are weed strains that make you sleepy, there are also strains that provide energy and alertness, both of which are especially helpful when sick.

Fatigue is a real struggle when sick, especially if you have to work or if you’re on the tail end of your sickness. Fortunately, you can use sativa and hybrid strains for a necessary energy boost until the worst of your condition passes. 


Similar to how we need energy from sleep to fight sickness, we also need food. Food is our primary source of fuel and is essential for the body to maintain all its bodily functions, including immune responses.

Sadly, one of the first things to go when you get sick is your appetite. 

Here, cannabis comes to the rescue once again. Cannabis, specifically the THC in cannabis, makes food taste better. It also stimulates your appetite. Eating more, in turn, provides fuel and makes your body better equipped to fight sickness. 

Best Ways To Use Cannabis To Treat A Cold

We’ve established that smoking cannabis is not ideal when you’re sick. But primarily because of its impact on your lungs rather than the cannabis itself. Cannabis offers many great health benefits, especially if you’re dealing with common cold and flu symptoms. 

So, what do you do when you want the benefits but not the smoking? 

You try different consumption mediums! There are many ways to consume cannabis–ways that won’t aggravate your cold and flu symptoms. Here are a few. 


Tinctures are concentrates of cannabis with powerful effects. Not only are tinctures a much healthier consumption option and safe to use when you’re sick, but they also produce a more potent high. That means more intense benefits and faster treatment. 

Cannabis Infused Tea

Nothing is quite as soothing for a raw throat and congested nose as a hot cup of tea. But did you know you can make it even better?

All you need to do is create a cannabis-infused coconut oil or butter and add it to your tea. You can also opt for pre-made cannabis tea bags from a local dispensary. Just make sure the cannabis has been decarbed, a necessary process to activate THC in cannabis products.


Edibles are fun and effective. You also have a variety of options to choose from. You can opt for the usual gummies or brownies. Or you can add cannabutter to your cooking for a double dose of cold and flu-fighting fuel and symptom relief. 

Topical Application

Similar to Vicks Vaporub or just Vaporub, topicals are transdermal drugs that pass through the skin. Enjoy the benefits of cannabis without having to consume it, and use topicals whenever you’re feeling sick, sore, or congested.


Cannabis offers many health benefits that have been used for millennia, so it’s only natural to wonder if smoking weed while sick is okay. 

While cannabis does offer great cold and flu-fighting benefits, smoking as a medium can make your symptoms worse and last longer. 

Instead, cash in on the benefits using safer consumption methods, like tincture, tea, and oil, until you’re feeling better. 

For high-quality weed perfect for good and bad days, visit your nearest Embarc location. We provide company, culture, and competitive prices–just for you.