What Is A Nug Of Weed?

What exactly is a nug of weed? You may have heard this word from your weed-smoking friends before but have been unsure of its true meaning. It’s no surprise, as the term ‘nug’ can carry various meanings depending on the context.

This ambiguity can be particularly confusing when you’re in the process of purchasing weed and hear the term thrown around. To relieve any uncertainty, we’ve put together a brief guide to shed light on the concept of nugs and their significance in weed culture. 

This guide covers the term’s origins, its diverse meanings in different scenarios, and the underlying reasons behind its use.

Keep reading to get the story behind the nug.

The Origin Of The Word Nug

The word ‘nug’ probably came into use as an abbreviated form of the word ‘nugget.’ Like the discovery of the first gold nuggets in California in the 1800s, which led to the gold rush, weed nugs are also equally appreciated here. The word is well-established in cannabis culture but can mean two things. 

A nug is the part of the cannabis plant’s flower that holds its shape when harvested. Many growers and users call it a ‘bud,’ but the terms ‘nug’ and ‘bud’ can be, and are, used interchangeably. However, that’s not the only use for the word. 

Nug As Slang In Cannabis Culture

‘Nug’ is also used to describe a bud of higher density and quality. You may hear the word ‘nug’ used when describing higher quality or more potent weed. The opposite, or lower-quality, less potent weed, is called ‘schwag.’

‘Nug’ is also used as a codeword of sorts, like most weed slang. When texting each other or chatting online, users sometimes use this word instead of saying the words weed, cannabis, or marijuana. In these situations, it could mean cannabis buds or describe their quality. It depends on the conversation.

What To Look For In A Nug

Here’s what to look for in a nug so you know you’ve got good quality.


Good marijuana buds have a pungent but pleasant aroma, which most users describe as woody or earthy, sometimes even slightly sweet. This is thanks to the rich terpene profiles found in high-quality cannabis. If it has no smell or smells musty or like hay, you have some lousy weed on your hands.


The best buds or nugs have a slightly muted green hue but can be somewhat purplish. 

Brown buds are best avoided, as these are not ‘nugs’ in the sense of quality. Brown coloring means the nugs were improperly harvested, dried, and stored. Give them a miss.


A nug should be plump yet firm, dense, and somewhat sticky but never papery or crumbly. It may feel heavier than you’d expect for the size. But the cannabis strain can affect the feel. The Sativa cannabis strain has a fluffier feel than the Indica strain.

What Are Mini Buds Or ‘Popcorn’ Nugs?

Mini buds or ‘popcorn’ nugs are smaller buds. These nugs didn’t reach the optimal size and are usually found near the base of the cannabis plant. The lower buds don’t get as much sun, which causes their stunted growth. 

Are Big Nugs Better Than Small Nugs?

Bigger buds or nugs aren’t necessarily superior to popcorn nugs. The THC content is often identical. As always, much depends on the strain. In our experience, bigger nugs are not always an indicator of better weed. If your popcorn nugs meet the other signs to look for (see above), they’re as good as big nugs.


A nug can mean a lot of things. It’s part of the cannabis plant, but it also describes the quality of the weed. It can even be a covert word for cannabis itself! However you use the word, you’re always looking for good quality. No one wants poor-quality weed if they can help it!

Fortunately, that’s all you’ll get when you buy your cannabis products from an Embarc dispensary. Browse our wide range of cannabis flowers, edibles, prerolls, tinctures, edibles, and topicals today. Because no matter what you call your weed, we have the best product for your needs.