Alcohol hangovers are all too common, and they are a major reason why “going sober” is more popular than ever. But feeling drowsy and downright crappy the morning after one intoxicating substance makes you wonder… is a weed hangover real too?
Unfortunately, like many subjects in the weed world, weed hangovers are highly debated. Some reports say weed hangover symptoms can affect users when consuming high levels of THC. Others say that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
So, for this debate, we channeled our inner true-crime podcaster’s investigative skills and got down to the nitty-gritty of whether or not the rumors were true. Including how to get rid of a weed hangover if you have one and how to avoid getting one in the first place.
No matter which side you’re on now…keep reading to get all your burning weed hangover questions answered.
To keep it simple, a weed hangover is exactly what it sounds like. A slew of ‘hangover’ like symptoms brought on by the use of THC. According to health experts and based upon real-time reports, weed hangover symptoms may include:
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Brain fog
- Dry eyes and mouth
- Headaches
- Mild nausea
Of course, the same experts believe it might not just be weed that triggers these next-morning types of feels. A few factors may contribute to a consumer experiencing a weed hangover, like –
Consuming THC with alcohol, or other drugs – It goes without saying that combining weed with other drugs might make you feel less than stellar, the day after.
A long duration of or lingering weed effects – This means that you might not be
hungover, but you might still be high, depending on your dose, tolerance, metabolism, or how long ago you smoked.
Weed withdrawal – Another commonly debated topic is whether or not a weed hangover could actually be ‘withdrawal’ symptoms for those who smoke more frequently than others.
Again, like so many subjects in weed, weed hangover symptoms aren’t well researched just yet. But, there are a few small scale studies that have explored the phenomenon that might help us point to a definitive answer.
Here’s a quick breakdown of each –
- The most notable study was conducted in 1985 with only 13 men participating in the experiment. In the sessions, the group was given weed ‘cigarettes’ or placebo cigarettes, and they were then asked to complete tests, like sorting cards and judging time intervals. In the end, the study authors found that hangover effects from smoking weed may exist the next day, but are extremely subtle.
- A 1990 study was eerily similar, with a group of 12 men that were studied over the period of one weekend with placebo joints and weed joints. After conducting, day-after testing, the authors of this study concluded weed did not have much effect on how consumers felt the next morning.
- In 1998, a group of 10 men underwent the same type of experiment to test the residual effects of one joint. In this study, the authors concluded that the “residual effects of smoking a single marijuana cigarette are minimal.”
- The most recent study indicating weed hangovers could be real, was conducted in 2017 when a group of researchers explored consumers with chronic pain who were using medical cannabis to treat it. During the study, users were asked to report if they felt ‘hangover’ like symptoms the next morning, which included feelings of fogginess or non-alertness. Unfortunately, the researchers did not disclose the number of participants who did in fact experience those weed hangover symptoms, but the fact that it was a reported effect means it’s relevant amongst the medical and research community.
By now you may be thinking… “that’s why I feel that way in the morning.” Or, “oh great, those symptoms are definitely ones I’d like to avoid.” So, that brings us to the next part of our deep dive: is there a weed hangover cure, or are weed hangovers preventable from the start?
So let’s review what the cannabis community suspects could be a cause of weed hangovers, which so far, science backs. While the lingering effects of smoking a joint might not be as probable, hangover-like symptoms from consuming highly potent products like RSO or edibles may be.
That’s because in the morning, your body could still be metabolizing cannabis cannabinoids and compounds, adding to the lingering feelings of still being high. All in all, a weed hangover is far different from an alcohol hangover, but still, it’s likely most consumers will want to avoid or prevent one if possible.
Here are some tips and tricks for prevention and how to treat weed hangover symptoms the next morning, too.
- Reduce your dosage – Because high dosage edibles or extracts can cause a lingering high or symptoms, lowering your dosage or going low and slow with new products can also help. At nighttime, choosing higher CBD products or low-dose THC products can also help avoid overdoing it.
- Stay hydrated – This may go without saying, but staying hydrated the night before or morning of, may help reduce weed hangover symptoms.
- Treat brain fog and fatigue – If you’re feeling sluggish in the morning, hop in the shower, power up with some caffeine, or grab a healthy nutritious breakfast to get you going.
- Don’t mix with other substances – Since we know that other substances like alcohol and illicit drugs can cause their own hangovers, avoid using them with weed to avoid compounded effects.
- Relieve red or dry eyes – If you wake up with unusually dry or red eyes, there’s nothing like some trusty visine to fix it.
- Alleviate headaches and nausea – If you wake up with a headache or mild nausea after a big night of bud, try these common treatments. A cold compress, or over-the-counter meds like aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen can help relieve an achy head. While mild foods, laying down, or anti-nausea medication might settle an upset stomach.
Now that you know the answer – is a weed hangover real, you can fine-tune your routines to avoid the after-morning effects of a good (or bad) buzz. At Embarc, you can think of us as your personal budtenders. We can help you avoid overserving yourself while still achieving desired effects and without getting a hangover.
Consume responsibly with these tips, good weed, and ongoing education from Embarc – be sure to follow us socially on Instagram and sign up for our Passport Club rewards program for exclusive deals and discounts now!