What Is A Zip Of Weed?

In the cannabis world, there is a large variety of strains, strengths, and sizes. If you are new to smoking weed, you may be unsure about exactly how much you need to buy so that you (and your friends) have enough for the week or month.

You have likely heard of a ‘zip of weed’, which is a common term used when ordering marijuana, but what exactly does this mean or equate to? This article has you covered with everything you need to know about zips of weed. We outline how much a zip weighs, how long it will last you, and whether buying a zip is the right move for your smoking needs.


A zip refers to a measured amount of weed that equates to 1 ounce.

It’s usually a term that customers will use when buying weed from a supplier, as it is a nice tidy measurement. An ounce is quite a substantial amount, so before ordering a zip of weed, you should be sure that it is how much you need.

The history behind the term varies depending on who you ask, but the most common belief is that it started as a subtle expression to describe weed back in the days when it was not legal in most places. The weed would often be carried around or sold in plain Ziploc bags to look less conspicuous, hence the term ‘zip’.

This is now a helpful term and measurement in many states, where individuals are only allowed to have up to one ounce of weed in possession at any given time.


A zip is an ounce, which is equivalent to 28 grams. The latter measurement is a lot easier to weigh using a measuring device.

If you follow the age-old trick of using a standard-size Ziploc bag to gauge the amount of weed you have, it brings it to around the one-ounce mark. So, you can tell, more or less, how much you have based on how full the bag is.

But if you need a more precise measurement, particularly to stay within legal parameters, it is best to use a scale. Any cooking scale works well when weighing weed as they are made to measure smaller amounts, and are, therefore, a lot more precise than larger scales.

Other Common Measurements Of Weed

A zip might be equivalent to one ounce, but if you do not typically buy large amounts of weed in one go, you may want it broken down into smaller amounts.

An eighth is a common measure used when buying a smaller amount of weed for one person, and this is essentially an eighth of an ounce, which equates to 3.5 grams.

If you are looking for a slightly higher amount, you may go for a quarter of an ounce, which is 7 grams (double the amount of an eighth).

For much smaller amounts, that you may use for just one or two smokes, you can look to buy either one or two grams of weed (casually known as a dime or a dub, respectively).


A zip weighs one ounce or 28 grams. This might seem small and light when comparing it to an ounce of any other product, but it is a large batch of weed and will keep you going for quite a while!

It is also the legal amount that an individual can buy or possess at any given time.


It’s difficult to quantify exactly how long a zip of weed can last you, as this will depend on how much and how often you smoke.

However, on average, a zip of weed can make up between 30-50 joints, depending on how much you add to each. If you smoke once a day, a zip can last between 4-6 weeks. If you smoke more than once a day, then you may have to top up your supply before the month is up.

When buying a zip of one type of weed, you should be sure that you enjoy that strain before purchasing such a large amount. It is best to test out a gram or two before you commit to the full haul, but if it is a strain you enjoy, then buying a zip is convenient and more cost-effective as you are essentially buying weed in bulk.


A zip of weed is a substantial amount, and the most that you can buy in one purchase, so it’s no surprise that it comes with quite a hefty price tag.

The exact price of a zip of weed will depend on the strain and quality of the cannabis, the supplier you are buying from, and more. It can range from anywhere between $150-$400, depending on these factors.

While this may be a high price to pay, buying the weed in bulk does work out cheaper than buying it in smaller amounts more regularly. Buying in bulk is best for those that smoke regularly, as it will last a month or two and you will save a fair amount of money in the process.


If you are buying a zip of weed, you are likely paying a hefty amount so you want to store it properly to avoid it going stale and to waste.

Weed needs to be stored in an optimum environment to keep it fresher for longer. The temperature should be around 65 degrees Fahrenheit, as an environment that is either too cold or too hot can lead to the weed drying out and/or losing taste and strength.

It should also be kept in a dry environment, as humidity can lead to it going bad or getting moldy over time, which means you can no longer consume it. You should also avoid the weed sitting in direct sunlight, as this can lead to faster degradation.

Keeping all this in mind, try to store your zip of weed in a large glass container that seals tight, and keep it in a dark room with a moderate temperature. This might be a pantry, storeroom, or cupboard.


If you consume weed regularly, such as every day or multiple times a day, you may want to buy a zip of weed as the bulk cost equates to less than buying smaller amounts every few days. It should last you 3-6 weeks.

But if you prefer to smoke a joint once a week, or only if you are with friends or family, then a zip of weed might be too much to buy at one time. You can go for an eighth (3.5g) or a quarter (7g), as this might last you about a month. If you buy too much, you will notice that the taste and strength of the weed will start to fade after around two months, which results in a wasted supply.

If you only smoke a joint once every few months, or you just enjoy partaking in 4/20, you are better off buying a gram or two grams, as this is enough for one or two joints at a time. This also allows you to buy as you need, instead of buying and storing which can lead to the weed going stale or bad.


A zip of weed has become a universally familiar term, often used in a casual manner or in the form of slang to describe weed, which traces back to the days when it was illegal in most places and often sold and carried in small Ziploc bags. But it does equate to a measurement that is quite important to know.

A zip is an ounce, which is the legal limit for which any individual can buy at one time, or possess at any given time, in states where marijuana is legalized. While it is a large amount to buy and can be fairly pricey, if you are a regular consumer it definitely works out cheaper in the long run!

To buy a zip of weed (or less) that is of the highest quality, and from a reliable supplier, look no further than Embarc to fulfill all your marijuana needs.